Monday, February 11, 2013


Well today I set out for another TDY trip. It's been awhile since I have headed off on my own and living in Alaska creates interesting circumstances. For one, if you are going any further than Seattle then there are two options for you.
1. You can leave at a decent hour and plan on traveling for close to 24 hours with layovers because it takes over3 hours just to get to the lower 48.
Or 2. You can catch the 0130 red eye so that you can catch a decent flight to your next destination. I would rather spend less time traveling so generally I take the red eye. Although you end up sleep deprived, unless you are capable of getting sleep on a plane, you will get to your destination quicker.
So off I went at 0130 in the morning to the balmy destination of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for a two week leadership course. My first stop allowed me the opportunity to visit with my parents, who graciously got up at the butt-crack of dawn. It was such a wonderful way to breakup the trip. I finally touched down in Missouri at 430 in the afternoon( 12 hours after leaving) and got settled in to a history buff's dream, Fort Leavenworth is teeming with history. From its buildings, which are being kept in historical status, to its ties to both the Oregon and Santa Fe trails. To my delight my classes were being held in the old jail and they have kept the area as it was. Getting to explore this area has been a definite added perk to coming to this class. I will post pictures from the area as soon as I can.
(This was actually written from my phone but I forgot to post it, told you I was exhausted from the trip, lol.)

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