Monday, February 11, 2013

February snow fun

February finally brought us some relief to the extreme cold temps and with warmer temps we tend to get out and enjoy ourselves. We love to go up into the hills and play into the snow and one of my favorite subjects to photograph is our younger dog Alaska. She LOVES the snow, the moment she is out she rolls in it and eats it and just has one long crack moment.

When we head up the hill and start playing she runs from person to person trying to keep up with all of us. Sassy tries to keep up with her but that isn't always possible.

She just loves to run!

Poor thing was running and trying to follow Daddy and found out that she can in fact swim in snow. In the above pic she is trying to work her way out of the snow.

She learned her lesson the last time and decided following the kids wasn't her idea of fun.

She is also our attention hog, the moment you indicate that you will love on her she will stop and take it in.  She is such a good dog.

I just love Sassy's monster hat, we call her Sully all the time and that irks her something fierce(that's what makes it fun, shh don't tell her)

A couple more shots of my crackhead in motion. She would run up the hill to Daddy and then come barreling down the hill to me. She crashed when we got home.

It wasn't superbly cold but cold enough to form a few ice crystals on my hat. So the end of our adventure comes when the hubs decides that the Jeep is now capable of taking on a snowmobile trail. It's not and he knows that now. This was after we had dug and pulled our way out of the mess. I think he had fun getting to use some of his H8 training. Men!

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