Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dog bed

So, every time we PCS(permanent change of station or moving) we have made a habit out of throwing our old pillows out and buying new ones. Well as we are hearing up for our next move I was contemplating getting the dogs beds for their kennels and for their "spots" on the house and the thought occurred to me " why not use the old pillows and make my own bed rather than pay anywhere from 20-50 dollars for a store bought one. I vowed to make this as inexpensively as possible so I used fleece from old projects and a zipper I had in my craft supplies and bought absolutely nothing to do it. So I started by laying out the pillows side by side and measured them. I happened to have a piece of fleece that was wide enough and long enough that I could fold it in half and just see three sides. On one of the sides I put a zipper in so I could wash the cover without the pillows in it and viola! It came together in about 20 minutes and my older dog loves it!

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