Sunday, September 16, 2012

Labor Day Hike of Birch

Labor Day weekend was our last weekend with Scotty for a couple months so we decided to go for a hike up on Birch hill. Turns out our hike was around 3.84 miles and took us about 2 hours. We took the long route up, up the road. It definitely worked the muscles but was also fun too.

The whole family took turns working with the dogs on the leash, of course by the end of the up hill climb the dogs were pretty easy to train, they just wanted to lay down and rest, lol. But eventually we made it to the top and of course we had to celebrate with a jump picture that my computer won't let me load.
All and all it was a great trip. We always talk about random things when we are hiking and learn alot about the kids and the dogs. I can't wait until the weather turns and we can do this on snowshoes.

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