Riverboat Discovery
Our weather has been unseasonably cool and rainy(I know I live in Alaska but we usually are warmer right now) so I decided this weekend would be the perfect weekend to take my niece, Riana, and the hubs onto the Riverboat Discovery tour. Essentially 3 hours of a tour of what the interior of Alaska is all about ! We started with a stop in the 40 below room, which I haven't gotten the picture for and will have to post later. Once we got onto the boat and started the tour itself we started off with a bush pilot demonstration. It was amazing how little space they needed for both take off and landing. The tour said that in the state of Alaska 1 out of every 60 people have a pilots license, guess I better get in the curve and get mine!
A little further down the river we were treated to a sled dog demonstration. These dogs were SO excited to run. The moment they had the harnasses put on they were yelping and running circles. They just wanted to get the command that let them run!
Along with giving us the sled dog demonstration they showed us how they go about training their puppies. They start them young, taking them on trails and over obstacles, and encourage them every step of the way. They do this to help create the bond they will need and to help them learn to listen for commands. They also utilize the older dogs by pairing them with the puppies.
After we turned around at the Tanana we went back to an recreated indian village.
They also had demonstrations on how the local indians had utilized all of their resources to create tools, garments and many other items.
While at the village we were able to visit with the sled dogs. They were so friendly and sweet, Riana and I wanted to take them home.
For years my hubs has been known as Moose by those that love him and my niece couldn't resist the urge to make him an actual moose. Nice rack honey!!
He was also deeply touched when he saw one of his fellow moose's pelts hung out to dry!
Below are a couple of shots from the riverboat of the village.
I am so thankful to have spent the day with the manchild and my niece, I had more fun than I have in a long time!!
ROFL!!!!!! Okay, that was hilarious. "My poor fellow moose."
We have a crazy sense of humor at our house. You should of seen us taking that picture, my niece and I could barely stop laughing long enough to take it.
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