Sunday, June 28, 2009

Shop Hop

We went on a shop hop this week and did it in many different ways. The first day we took all the kids and papa. We drove along the kitsap penninsula and up to Port Angeles. Where the kids and I got to see our first whale since we have moved to the northwest. We had a picnic and played on the beach. It was a blast. The second day just the girls went out, me Nana Nene and Sassy. The girls also received fabric and decided my roof was the way to display them. The last day I went out with just some friends and had a lot of fun. We hit 34 shops total so I think it was very succesful.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Capital Lake Waterpark

So today was the last day of school so we thought we would celebrate with a visit from nana and Nene and a trip to a park. We chose the Capital Lake waterpark. The kids had a blast and were soaked and tired. Eve loved acting like she was jumping with the fountains.